Brunch w/ Quez and Friends January

Saturday was a memorable event for all of us at Brunch with Quez and Friends. We had an amazing show full of political discussions, fun activities, and some great music to dance to. We also had a variety of vendors to explore, drinks to enjoy, and plenty of people to talk with. It was truly a good time that we won't forget anytime soon!

We hope you had as much fun as we did and don't forget to reserve your table for our next show at! Come out for another great day filled with politics, dancing, singing, and more! Plus there will be lots of love in the air - so join us for another amazing brunch event where you can have the best time ever.

We are changing our guests this new season and giving you all new segments. We are talking about politics, music, pop culture, and more. If you are a candidate running in Kansas City or you want to be a guest on our show please reach out at


Brunch with Quez and Friends: Recap of Our Latest Event!


The Season Finale